June 2023 Release Notes
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    June 2023 Release Notes

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    June 2023 Release Notes

    Release Date: June 6th, 2023

    New – Salesforce Integration


    The Salesforce/CommBox integration enables users to seamlessly use Salesforce’s powerful CRM to manage day-to-day sales and service interactions while managing the communication channels through CommBox. With this integration, input received from the bot is automatically merged into the Salesforce CRM, and users can communicate with visitors by viewing both the call history and the case data.

    Click here for the Integration Guide.
    Click here for the User Guide.

    Improved/Changed – A New First Response KPI

    When evaluating their performances, team leaders and admins can now read agents' response times more accurately. The new First Response KPI during business hours does not count the time elapsed from the conversation start until the start of the business hours, thereby reflecting the actual response time of the agent.


    We kept the original KPI for organizations with around-the-clock service. Both KPIs are presented in the Conversation Report in a separate column.

    This feature will be released by mid-June 2023.


    Improved/Changed – Chat Channels Meeting WCAG Level AA Standards

    Accessibility, UI

    The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is an internationally recognized set of recommendations for improving web accessibility for users with impaired vision, hearing, mobility, or understanding.

    With new UI improvements, users with impaired vision can now chat easily with proper color contrast, utilize the Tab key instead of the mouse, use screen readers, and more.

    All CommBox Chat channels (Chat, Video Chat, Voice Chat, Interactive Navigator, Contact Us) now conform with Level AA – Strong accessibility, the conformance level used in most accessibility rules and regulations worldwide.

    Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) is an ISO International Standard.

    Improved/Changed – Invitation for External Participants


    Agents can now select the source from which the invitation for external participants will be sent instead of relying solely on the system’s default channel. This ability gives agents greater flexibility and control over their communication channels, making managing conversations with external participants easier. Customers receiving emails or texts/SMS inviting them to join the conversation will better understand the sender's identity.

    Click the “+” sign at the External Participants tab on the Customer Info screen.
    To change the source for an outbound email or text/SMS, click "System default" to change it in the dropdown menu and select the desired source.


    Improved/Changed – Delay of Scheduled Messages


    During an open conversation with a customer, an enhanced delay setting will now delay a scheduled message to that customer at the same channel by one minute. The message will be repeatedly rescheduled to be sent in 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 minutes (depending on the number of times it has been delayed) to prevent it from interrupting the customer's ongoing conversation.
    This delay prevents dual messages and customer confusion during the conversation with the agent.

    Note: This feature will act in all conversational channels (not email) and with most statuses.

    Improved/Changed – Platform-Wide Textual Changes

    UX, UI

    We continuously evolve with new features, integrations, and updated terminology to create friendlier, more productive, and more intuitive environments. To review the new terminologies and textual changes in our platform, click on the links below:

    Updated terms in English
    Updated terms in Hebrew

    Deprecated – Deletion of Conversation Report Columns


    After verifying that the following columns are irrelevant to users and are rarely populated with data, we are deleting them from the Conversation Report:

    Conversations - Deleting the AE column "Change status - Draft
    Conversations - Deleting the AG column "Change status - Scheduled

    Note: This change may cause an inaccurate display of data in forms that export data from specific columns of the conversation report, as the position of the columns has changed respectively (column AF is now column AE etc.). Please make all corrections in your documentation.

    We apologize for any inconvenience that may be due to this change. Our main goal is to improve the reporting and provide more relevant and useful information.

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