May 2023 Release Notes
    • 02 May 2023
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    May 2023 Release Notes

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    2023 Release Notes

    Release Date: May 2, 2023

    New – Artificial Intelligence Services

    AI Assistant (module) - Beta Version

    CommBox is proud to introduce a new category of artificial intelligence services for our industry. Capabilities in this category include Open-AI Chat GTP, which helps agents and admins save time and effort by doing some of their tasks for them, thereby improving productivity, accuracy, and standardization.

    AI - Generated Conversation Summary

    The Automated Conversation Summary Generator is the first in a series of AI-driven capabilities based on OpenAI’s Chat GPT, which helps contact center agents save time by automatically generating summaries of resolved customer conversations.

    When the conversation’s status changes to “Resolved”, it triggers the Chat GPT engine to summarize the conversion, which will be added to the conversation in a new Summary tab.


    The AI Assistant adds consistency and standardization to conversation summary and record-keeping while removing this time-consuming task. This shift enables the agent to deal with higher-value and more productive tasks.

    To take advantage of the AI Assistant, navigate to Settings > Modules > AI Assistant, read and approve the Disclaimer, and select the desired communication channels (WhatsApp and/or Chat). For further explaination, click here for our guide.



    • In addition to activating the AI assistant locally (specific Chat/WhatsApp channel), you must activate it on the module level.
    • AI Assistant will only support WhatsApp and chat channels during the Beta phase but will support additional channels in the near future.

    New – API Key Rotation


    In compliance with cryptographic standards, CommBox now regularly revokes and automatically creates API keys to ensure that the data and information remain secure. Every account will receive a new API Key that will replace the old one and be valid for a year.

    Admins may set the API key rotation to automatically occur every 60/180/270/365 days or manually at any time if necessary. An automatic notice banner notifies admins of a 30-day grace period to update the APIs before the old API key expires.

    We are gradually launching this new and vital security feature during the month of May 2023 to ensure all our customers receive the necessary attention and assistance during this transition. We are asking admins to update the API key in all relevant aspects of their systems to avoid service interruption and to please contact us with any questions or concerns.

    To set the automatic rotation, navigate to Settings > Modules > API.
    For more information, click here for the guide.


    New – Mobile App.


    CommBox iPhone and Android Mobile App enable users to experience the features of the CommBox platform while on the go. Agents and field agents can now provide faster and better service by receiving notifications directly to their mobile devices. Admins can assist agents while away from their desks using their mobile devices.
    To provide additional security, the mobile App automatically disconnects the user from the desktop when the app is activated.

    Use these links to download the App or download it at the CommBox website:
    • For Androids, click the Google Play link.
    • For iPhones, click the App Store link.

    New – Failed-Delivery Indication


    Agents sending scheduled content to their customers can now get an indication if their emails do not reach their destination. Agents can then update the records and take measures to ensure the customers know the desired content.
    These indications empower agents with better impact, advanced customer service, and increased productivity.

    Improved/Changed – WhatsApp New Categories


    WhatsApp Business Platform has new mandatory template guidelines to enable wider usage of the services, OTP messages, and customer updates. Effective with this release, businesses must select the appropriate template category before submitting it for approval with WhatsApp.
    WhatsApp will reject templates deemed wrongly categorized or lacking a sample when the template contains variables. Businesses that had their template rejected must create a new one.
    CommBox wishes to streamline the process and avoid repeated submissions by letting agents and those who make the templates accept WhatsApp category selections automatically.
    Note: Due to Facebook/WhatsApp version upgrade issues, CommBox customers will pre-approve WhatsApp category selection until June 1, 2023.


    To learn more about the new categories and the pricing formulation that will take effect on June 1st,2023, click here.
    Click here for the guide on new template creation based on the new guidelines.

    Improved/Changed – Advanced Reply Positioning in Email Conversations


    We have matched the design and behavior of the reply feature from WhatsApp conversations to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. The latest reply will now appear at the bottom of the conversation thread, making it easier for the agent to track the most recent updates. When clicking on a Reply to a specific message, the agent will be directed to the message itself, just like in WhatsApp conversations.

    Improved/Changed – Customers Report Textual Changes


    To improve understanding and ease of use, CommBox updates the terms used in the reports produced by the system. Click here for a summary table of all textual changes and tooltips in the Customer Report.

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