Microsoft Dynamics 365
    • 21 Jan 2024
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    Microsoft Dynamics 365

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    Article summary

    Q: Why can’t I see the CommBox inbox in the CRM?

    A: CommBox iFrame should work within the Dynamics CRM. In the event this is not the case, check the following:

    a. Verify that your channel has an active connector to the CRM.
    Navigate to Settings, and at the specific communication channel, expand the Dynamics CRM connector. Verify that the Activate Embedded UI Integration (client-side) is toggled ON.

    b. The iFrame screen is turned OFF at the CRM.
    Note: The iFrame screen will pop up when the agent is Active in the CommBox inbox, and a new conversation is assigned to that agent only if the iFrame is minimized – not turned off.
    Click the iFrame button at the top corner of the CRM screen.


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