Managing Teams
    • 19 Jul 2023
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Managing Teams

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    Article summary


    At its core, a contact center comprises various teams and sub-teams of agents, each with its skills, expertise, and knowledge specific to its location, channels, products, and more. This guide goes through creating, configuring, and managing teams in CommBox.

    Initial Settings of the New Teams

    At the CommBox platform, navigate to Settings > Teams to define the organizational team’s structure, settings, and uniformed assets. Any changes in the settings at this level will affect all the agents and teams in the organization.
    Note: Admin privileges are required for this stage.


    Creating New Teams


    1. At the CommBox platform, navigate to Settings > Teams, and click the + Add New Team button at the top of the tree diagram.
    2. At the new team dialog box, enter the following information:
      a) A unique name for the team.
      b) Set the hierarchy position by selecting the Parent Team under which this new team will function.
      c) Add members to the team by clicking on the Assignment circle, selecting agents, and clicking Save.
      d) Upload an image for the team (optional)
      e) Click Save.

    Editing or Deleting Teams

    1. At the CommBox platform, navigate to Settings > Teams and select the desired team from the tree diagram at the left pane.

    2. Click the 3-dots drop-down menu at the top right corner, followed by Edit or Delete.

    3. When editing, you can change the Team’s name, shift the position of the team’s hierarchy, add or remove agents, and upload a new image for the team.


      • To remove a team member, hover over the agent’s initials and click the small red X that appears in the corner.
      • To add members to the team, click on the Assignment circle and select the agents for the team.
    4. Click Save.

      a) When changing the team’s hierarchical position, “child” teams will move along with their “parent” team.
      b) Access to inbox filters, tags, and Knowledge-based items is dependent on the team’s position in the organizational structure. When moving a team to a different branch, access to assets from the original branch may no longer appear.
      c) When deleting a team, all its child teams will move one level up in their hierarchy.

    Granting Team Manager Permissions

    The Team Manager role is designed to have limited admin permissions to manage the team’s assets delegated to the agents. The Team manager can create teams, position them within the organization, and assign them the appropriate and relevant inbox filters, tags, and knowledge-based items.
    Only Team Managers or Administrators can grant Team Manager permissions to an agent, and the new manager can be assigned to their team or any team below them in the organizational hierarchy.
    To grant an agent the Team Manager permissions:

    1. At the Teams Page, select the desired team’s management page.
    2. At the top right corner, click on the + circle to select the agent(s) that will manage the team.

    Note: Team Managers become members of their team automatically.


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