Two Factor Authentication
    • 27 Oct 2022
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    Two Factor Authentication

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    Article summary


    This module enables connection to the system through two-step authentication (OTP) through SMS.

    While utilizing this module, a user will be required to enter an authentication code when he connects to the system. The code will be received as an SMS to their mobile phone.

    • For this module to work correctly, it is necessary that the entry in the Privacy & Security- General Settings tab - under the List of IP addresses authorized for the Agent Workspace be set to one or more IP addresses.
    • Make sure that for all users, a phone number is set in the user's table (Settings → on the right side select Users)
    • Ensure that users (not admin users) who require remote access (outside of the authorized IP addresses) will be allowed to do so as part of their Capabilities.

    General settings 

    Off - the module is not activated. Admins will never receive OTP requests when set to this status.

    Remote Only - In the case of the administrator logging in from an unauthorized IP address (i.e., not listed in the authorized IP address list).

    On - Every user logging in to the system (regardless if it’s an administrator or a regular agent) will be required to pass the two-factor authentication process before system access is granted.

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