WhatsApp Self-Service
    • 27 Oct 2022
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    WhatsApp Self-Service

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    Article summary


    Table of Contents

    1. WhatsApp API Hosting options
    2. Creating a Facebook Business Manager & Verification process
    3. Connecting WhatsApp to CB Agent Workspace
    4. Connecting the business and WABA to a phone number
    5. Embedded sign-up flow step-by-step setup 
    6. CommBox/WhatsApp Advanced Setup
    7. Advanced Settings

    Stage 1: WhatsApp API Hosting Options

    Previously, the only way to host WhatsApp API was through an On-Premises API on the BSP’s own servers. From 2022, Business Solution Providers (BSPs) will offer Cloud API, where the API will be hosted on Meta (formerly Facebook). Cloud API is currently only available in beta to selected BSPs.

    WhatsApp Business APIs: Hosting method options -  Businesses using a BSP with Cloud API access will have all the latest WhatsApp API features. By contrast, those using On-Premises APIs will not be able to access new WhatsApp API features until their BSPs install API software upgrades manually.

    Stage 2: Create FB Business Manager and Verification process 

    Firstly, you will need to create a Facebook Business Manager account and verify it.

     Here is a link to a step-by-step guide to creating your Facebook Business Manager

    Business Verification - 

    BSPs also need to support businesses through the process of Business Verification, ensuring they understand the process and are able to provide the proper documentation.

    Meta Business Help Center: Verify your business in Business Manager

    Has your Facebook Business Manager been verified? 

    Before your WhatsApp business account can be approved, your Facebook Business Manager will need to be approved as outlined below:

    • Are you eligible to use WhatsApp per WhatsApp’s Commerce Policy and has your WhatsApp business account been approved?
      • Please note, This takes approximately 1-2 weeks. If you fall in the list of prohibited businesses, you will unfortunately not be able to use this channel.

    Stage 3: How to Connect WhatsApp to CommBox’s Agent Workspace

    Follow the instructions in this section to set up the WhatsApp API channel with the CommBox Agent Workspace: 

    1. Within the Agent Workspace, Click on the Settings icon in the lower left-hand corner.

    2. Under the Modules page, scroll down and select the WhatsApp icon.

    3. Click on +WhatsApp Channel.

    4. Under Channel name, type in your desired channel name.

    5. Click on the drop-down menu where Select WhatsApp Business number is displayed (as seen in the screenshot below). If the phone number already is connected to Commbox, you can select it from the drop-down list.



    6. Click on Login with Facebook.


    7. Type in your Facebook username and password and click Login.

    8. Follow the Facebook setup prompts as they appear.

    Stage 4: WhatsApp Embedded sign-up flow step-by-step setup 

    Embedded sign-up flow link & presentation - 
    YouTube video describing WhatsApp embedded sign up-process

    Here is a step-by-step PDF guide to the Embedded signup set-up process

    Authenticate your Facebook profileThis is your profile that's linked to your company's Facebook Business Manager. You can Continue with the existing profile or sign in to another Facebook account

    💡 Note: the display name here will be just the name of the account for usage on Facebook, this will not be the name displayed with your WhatsApp number.

    Follow the setup flow as seen below. 

    Please note the Permissions you will be sharing with CommBox.

    Grant authorization to share your WhatsApp BA and phone number with CommBox - CommBox requires this authorization to activate the number and connect it with the Agent Workspace

    Please select the Facebook Pages you wish to use with CommBox.

    Select the Meta Business Account you wish to connect with your WhatsApp Business Account and click Continue. 

    Input the mobile phone number of the WhatsApp Business Account you wish to connect with the Meta Business Account.

    Click Continue once you've input all of the requested details, and wait for the system to finish the setup process.

    Now, you need to create your WhatsApp Business profile

    Please verify! Does your selected display name align with WhatsApp’s guidelines? (Remember to upload the full PDF file to the website).

    5. If you don’t select a display name that falls within WhatsApp’s guidelines, you will end up delaying the launch of your WhatsApp number. If you don't go through Business Verification, you will have restricted access. Restricted access includes:

    6.  Choose the category of your business in the drop-down menu and give a small description of your business.

    7. Next, Insert the phone number you want to use. Firstly, select the country code from the drop-down menu and fill out the number you want to use next to it, leave out the first 0.

    For example: if you are a Israel–based company and your phone number is +972 123 4567, you would select IL +972 from the drop-down menu and fill out 1234567 in the field next to it

    8. Select if you want to verify the number by voice call or by SMS and click Send Code to continue. 

    You will receive a six-digit code by SMS or an automated phone call. Insert the code in the form below and click Verify.

    Now you've completed the WA Business Account Embedded Sign-up Process!

    Stage 5: CommBox/WhatsApp Advanced Setup

    1. When you've finished the Embedded set-up flow, go back to the WhatsApp Module Settings.

    2. Click on the WhatsApp Business Number drop-down menu, and select the phone number you’d like to activate.

    3.  Input a unique Channel name (sub-channel name if necessary). Once done, click Create Channel

    Important: If your WhatsApp Business Account hasn't been approved, you will only be able to add one WhatsApp channel. This channel will be restricted and only allow you to message a maximum of 10 users. Once your WhatsApp business account is approved, this messaging restriction will be lifted and you will be able to add additional WhatsApp channels using the self-service flow.

    4. If the number is dimmed and marked (pending) you will need to complete your Facebook Business Manager’s verification and wait for the phone number’s display name to be approved.

    5. Once you’ve received an email from Facebook confirming that your Business Account and display name have been approved, restart the setup flow and follow the instructions to finish connecting your phone number.

    6. Once you click on Create Channel, the channel will appear on the list of installed channels within the WhatsApp Module Settings.

    Stage 6: Advanced Settings

    At this point, you can set the Channel’s Advanced Settings

    • Channel name: Insert a unique name to identify the channel.
    • Profile picture: Upload a profile picture. This picture appears in your WhatsApp business profile and in WhatsApp conversations.
    • Description: Enter a brief description of your business. This information will appear at the top of your WhatsApp business profile.
    • Enter additional information about your business, including your business address, Email, Industry, and Websites.

    Stage 7: WhatsApp Business Account statuses

    In order to keep track of your WhatsApp Business Account statuses, you can visit the Module Settings accounts screen. 

    If and when you add another WhatsApp phone number to an existing WABA, the following pop-up prompts will appear: 

    1. A pop-up window will appear titled, New Facebook WhatsApp Business Account number (title of the pop-up window).

    2. Connect the Facebook Business Manager and WhatsApp Business Account to the WhatsApp phone number

    3. Select the WA Business Account you want to share with CommBox

    You can select an existing WA Business Account or create a new one. A WhatsApp Business Account can hold up to 250 phone numbers. If you need to set up more numbers, create another WA Business account.

    4. Select a Facebook Business Manager for your WhatsApp number

    You can select an existing Facebook Business Manager or create a new one.

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