Advanced Search
    • 16 Aug 2022
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    Advanced Search

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    Article summary


    In this article, we will show you how to utilize the Advanced Search feature in the Agent Workspace. 

    The Advanced Search feature allows you to locate anything within the Agent Workspace using an enhanced combination of filters for additional precision.

    How to Use

    In order to use the Advanced Search feature:

    1. From within the Agent Workspace home page, locate the search bar on the upper left-hand side of the Agent Workspace interface.
    2. Click on the arrow icon to open the larger Advanced Search window.

    The first search parameter is to search either among Conversations or Users.

    Advanced Search options 

    From: Any Email address/phone number/social network account of a customer or CommBox channel

    Include the words: search for the listed words

    Assigned to: name of the agent who was assigned the conversation

    Creating within: narrow the search using the timestamp when the conversation was created

    Updated within: the time frame when the conversation was updated

    Resolved within: the time frame when the conversation was resolved

    Has attachments: indicates whether or not the conversation includes attachments

    User details - search according to the various user details 

    Unique ID: Identification number of the customer

    First name: First name of the agent/customer

    Last name: last name of the agent/customer

    Email: email address of the agent/customer

    Phone: Phone number of the agent/customer

    Remarks: Search based on remarks attached to the customer

    Custom fields: search according to a Custom field of the customer

    In order to clear all entered text, click on Clear.

    Once you’ve entered the relevant details, click on Search.

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