New Conversation
    • 21 Dec 2023
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    New Conversation

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    Article summary


    This article will show you how to create a new conversation from CommBox’s Agent Workspace.

    To do this, we will need to:

    Open a new Conversation

    1. Within the CommBox’s Agent Workspace, hover the mouse cursor over the taskbar column on the left-hand side of the screen.

    2. Click on the pencil icon. 

    3. Select Voice, Email, SMS, or WhatsApp as seen in the screenshot below (additional channels may also appear, depending on the service package purchased).

    4. Click on Select a Channel and select the relevant channel from the drop-down menu (an example is seen below).

    5. Select the Timing when the message is sent. 

    • Now - immediately after pressing the send button.
    • Schedule publish - set a predetermined time for the message to be sent.

    6. Assigned Response - Check the box to assign yourself as the agent in charge.

    7. Sending Options - Select one of 4 options:

    Cancel - discard the draft and close the compose message wizard altogether.

    Draft - The message will not be sent but will be saved as a draft in its current state.

    Send and assign to me - the message will be sent in its current state, and the child conversation will be assigned to the agent who sent the initial message.

    Send - send the message in its current state.

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