    • 18 Jun 2024
    • 6 Minutes to read
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    Article summary


    The CommBox Forms module enables agents to send their customers fillable forms by setting fields on new and existing forms. The automation process can have the agent prefill some or all fields on behalf of the customer and require the customer to just sign the document. The framework can also keep within the brand’s tone of voice by personalizing legal declarations and instructions as needed.


    Creating a new Forms channel enables you to preset communications before and after the customer’s form submitting.

    1. At the CommBox Settings page, select the Forms module (in the Settings & Tools section), and click the +Forms Channel button.
      new form channel.png

    2. Name the new channel and click Create Channel.

    3. Modify (optional) the new channel settings:
      a. Language of instruction
      b. Legal message before signature. Consult with your legal adviser as to the content of this message.
      c. Confirmation message the customer receives after submitting the signed form.
      d. Confirmation icon image.png
      e. The time (in hours) the link with the form will be available.
      f. Enable customers to download their completed form.
      new form channel settings.png

    If you made any changes to the defaults presented, click Save at the top of the page.

    New Form

    In our example, we will download an existing form and create instructions for filling it out and signing it.
    To create a new form, perform the following steps:

    1. Click on Click here to set up forms which will open a list of all existing forms.

    2. As the list of existing forms opens, click on +New Form at the top of the page to create a new form.

    3. Fill in the general information about your form in dialog box that opens up:
      a. Enter the form’s name
      b. Select the type of template that will be sent to the customer (in our example, a PDF we preloaded).
      c. Select the Form channel for the new form. The above sections explain how to create and set up Form channels.
      d. Once you select a channel, you can upload files. Click the button and upload the form you want the customer to fill in.
      e. Click Save.

    4. As the form opens, move your mouse to the location where you want the customer to fill in information and double click at that spot.
      new form4.png
      a. Name the field
      b. Select the Type of data the field will contain based on the expected answers of the customer.
      c. Mandatory field – Checking this box will prevent the customer from returning the form with this field empty.
      d. Custom Fields – If the information in this field matches a specific field in the Customer Information pane, you may select this custom field to be populated automatically when the customer submits the form. For example, when setting the field for the First name, select the First name form the custom field list.
      Note: The menu will only include fields that match the type of data of the custom field. For example, when choosing a field restricted to numeric inputs, you will be able to select only Customer Fields designated for numerical data, such as phone numbers.
      e. Dependent field – This field will appear only if another field (selected from the menu) has content. For example, if the customer checks a checkbox field A, field x and field y will appear. When setting up Field X in the form, select Field A from the Dependent Field menu.
      f. Click Add to save the field.
      Note that sometimes the field will “miss the target”. If that happens, click and drag the box to the correct location in the form

    5. Add additional fields as needed (repeat step 4) and click Save when done.
      a. Sometimes the field will “miss the target”. If that happens, click and drag the box to the correct location in the form.
      b. When filling out forms, many users click the Tab key to jump to the next field. Keep this in mind when creating a form since the order the Tabs when filling out the fields follows the order they were created.

    Creating a Folder of Documents

    A Folder of Documents will enable the agent to send a few documents to the customer.
    To create a new folder, select a Forms channel and click the +New Folder at the top of the page.

    Name the folder, select applicable forms, and click Save. The folder will be listed after the forms.

    Sending Forms and Folders to Customers

    Sending forms and folders can be done by either sending a link or adding it to a knowledge-based item.

    Public forms have a link that you could send to customers. When clicking the link, each customer will get a blank form.
    Active forms that are not public can only be sent with knowledge-based items. When customers click on a non-public form after filling it out, they will only see their filled form.

    Sending Forms via a Link

    When composing a message to the customer, navigate to the Forms module, select the channel (which affects automatic settings such as the message after a signature), click on Click here to set up form, and click on the Copy link by the relevant form.
    If the is no option for a link, check the Public checkbox to create one. Paste the copied form into your message to the customer.

    Sending Forms via a Knowledge-based Item

    Create a new knowledge-based item:

    1. To set a new knowledge-based item with a form or a folder, navigate to Settings, and click on Knowledge base at the main menu.
      Knowledge base-new.png
    2. Name the item and drag it to the correct folder or position by holding the left click and moving the item up or down the tree diagram.
    3. (Optional) For the new item, you may enter a heading and basic instructions for the customer, for example: “To move forward with the process, please fill in the attached form.”
    4. To enable agents to add a form to this new knowledge base item, Check the Forms checkbox under the Services that can be implemented at the bottom and click Save.

    Using a knowledge-based item with a form:

    1. In the inbox, select the relevant conversation and click the KB icon.
      KB icon.png
    2. Locate the desired KB item that will contain the premade statement for the customer, and the link to the different forms. Click on the form to open a secondary dialog box with all available forms.
    3. You can select a Form by clicking on it and have it inserted as a link in the reply box, where you can edit the message and send it to your customer.
      You can also pre-fill some of the fields for the customer. (steps 4-5 are an optional steps)
    4. Next to the form, there is a pencil icon which enables you to fill in the fields on behalf of your customer. This will shorten the time of communication and require the customer to just sign and submit the form.
      Note that custom fields were automatically copied from the Customer Info pane.
    5. Click Save to go back to the reply box, edit the message and send it to your customer.

    Additional Information:

    After the customer sends the message (clicking SEND at the bottom of the screen), they receive the following message with a direct link to their form.
    post sending by customer.png

    The signed form is directed to a form channel. If you assigned this customer to yourself, the conversation will be added to your assigned conversations. Click on the link in the conversation list to view the signed form.


    Some of the features we used in our example:
    • The first and last name were entered automatically by the custom fields.
    • The business name was entered by the agent before sending the document.
    • In section 3a, the box for entering the Corp type’s letter was dependent on the LLC checkbox.
    dependent field.png

    dependent field2.png

    • Changing the field size, changes the size of the information entered. Make larger or smaller to fit the form’s provided space.
    • The signature was dependent on completing another field and appeared only after the customer filled it that other field.

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