Understanding Teams Assets
    • 17 Jul 2023
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    Understanding Teams Assets

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    Article summary


    The Teams organizational structure saves managers time and effort by enabling the teams to inherit assets from teams that are on a higher organizational level, as well as receive automatic updates of assets from those teams.
    Teams’ assets include Inbox Filters, Tags, and Knowledge Base items. As a rule, the more generic an asset is, the higher it should be in the organizational hierarchy to avoid duplication and allow more teams to use it.
    Each team can inherit assets from teams in their branch that are on a higher organizational hierarchy. Those teams are referred to as “parent” teams.

    Inheritance Source Team

    This drop-down menu allows you to select the parent team whose assets you wish your team will inherit. The Add button will actually copy the assets from the chosen parent and paste them to your team.

    Auto-update Toggle

    Located under the Inheritance Source Team dropdown is the Auto-update toggle. It enables the selected assets from the parent team to be automatically updated with all their changes in your team.

    Saving options

    When updating the asset settings of a team, team managers can click Save to save changes on their team only or Save and apply to apply changes on all of their “child” teams that auto-update from this team.


    The asset’s ownership determines who can view and use the asset. The Teams manager who created the asset can assign ownership to their own team or teams in a lower hierarchy. When a team changes its hierarchical branch within the organization, asset ownership makes sure the access is retained.

    Note: Editing the ownership of tags and Knowledge Base items is done on the respective management page in the Settings menu. (Tags Management page, Knowledge Base management page)

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