Webhooks - simplified
    • 13 Jun 2024
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    Webhooks - simplified

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    Article summary

    Webhooks Module PNG.png
    Webhook Terminology


    This article explains basic terminologies related to the topic of Webhooks.

    Related articles:
    For a guide on creating a subscription in our automated system. Click here.
    For a detailed explanation of the different webhooks we offer, click here.
    For our Developer Center, click here.

    What is a Webhook?

    A Webhook is a notification sent from system A (the source) to system B (the destination) informing that some event happened in system A. Setting up this process is called Webhook subscription.

    Webhook subscriptions enable CommBox clients to receive notifications when certain selected events occur within the CommBox system and send those notifications to a desired Webhooks events listener within the client’s organization.

    For example, XYZ Corp (a CommBox client) wants to be notified every time a new customer is identified on the CommBox platform (an event). To accomplish that, XYZ Corp sets up a Webhook Subscription and supplies CommBox with a Webhooks events listener – a URL that will receive the notifications from CommBox.

    When the events that were selected as part of the webhook subscription occur, they trigger the sending of the notifications to XYZ Corp. The information sent via Webhook notification is sometimes referred to as Payload.

    Entities and Events (triggers)

    Entities are general categories of APIs that can have different events associated with them.
    CommBox Entities include Object, User, Satisfaction, Tag, Form, and Chat.

    What are the benefits of webhooks?

    The webhook system of notification eliminates continuous or periodic requests by the client’s APIs for updates. If changes occur, the client is automatically notified, and the notifications can be very specific to update the client’s CRM with optimal efficiency.

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