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Available Webhooks
Below is a short description of every available Webhook including a JSON payload example. Select the desired webhook from the side bar menu.
For explanation of terms related to Webhooks, click here.
For a guide on creating a subscription in our automated system. Click here.
For our Developer Center, click here.
Triggers associated with the Object entity:
This event is triggered when a new conversation (object) is created. Payload includes the initial contact information (message, right/left justification, language, URL of origin), user information (Channel used, basic information), and information about the conversation (ID, Stream ID, stream Type- see Enum)
Payload Example:
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNew",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Object": {
"Message": "d",
"Content": {
"guidRT": "a4446759967847cd96ecb830edd945b9",
"languages": [
"Item1": "en",
"Item2": 1595
"originUrl": "https://apps.rnd.wispp.com/innerDemo",
"isConnected": true
"ManagerId": "0",
"Snippet": "d",
"User": {
"Content": {},
"Identity": {
"Id": "325",
"StreamProviderId": "d9c2121e-3446-45d2-91a9-1aa91d9885a",
"StreamProviderType": "6",
"StreamProviderEmail": "",
"UserName": "",
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"ThumbnailUrl": ""
"Id": "322",
"Phone1": "",
"Phone2": "",
"UniqueID": "",
"Email": "",
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"NumIdentities": "1",
"Locale": "",
"Remarks": "",
"NumObjects": "1"
"Id": "785",
"StreamId": "17955",
"SubStreamId": "0",
"Type": "4",
"StatusID": "1",
"CreateDate": "12-02-2025 15:42:28",
"StreamProviderId": "",
"StreamProviderType": "BumpYard"
This event is triggered when a new message (Child) is created in the conversation.
Payload includes the content of the message (hello world), the agent information, the customer file, and the conversation and channel IDs.
Payload Example:
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewChild",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Object": {
"Children": [
"Message": "<p>d</p>",
"ManagerId": "8",
"Content": {},
"Snippet": "<p>d</p>",
"User": {
"Content": {},
"Identity": {
"Id": "8",
"StreamProviderId": "superagent@bumpyard.com",
"StreamProviderType": "0",
"StreamProviderEmail": "",
"UserName": "superagent@bumpyard.com",
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"ThumbnailUrl": ""
"Id": "8",
"Phone1": "",
"Phone2": "",
"UniqueID": "",
"Email": "superagent@bumpyard.com",
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"NumIdentities": "1",
"Locale": "us_EN",
"Remarks": "",
"NumObjects": "0"
"Id": "1514",
"StreamProviderId": "",
"StreamProviderType": "",
"CreateDate": "12-02-2025 10:34:39",
"Type": "0"
This trigger has many Types of activities that can occur during or related to a conversation. The Type is presented as a number and is listed in the Enums.
Every payload ends with the Conversation ID and the channel (and sub channel) the activity took place in.
A. New remark activity
[ObjectActivityType = 1]
This event is triggered when a new remark is added to the conversation.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewActivity",
"Brand": "qawispp",
"Object": {
"Activities": [
"User": {
"Identity": {
"Id": "547379"
"Id": "536428"
"Data": {
"text": "Hello"
"Id": "1486197",
"Type": "1",
"CreateDate": "03-03-2025 13:48:44"
"Id": "387049",
"StreamId": "17402",
"SubStreamId": "0"
B. Status change activity
[ObjectActivity Type = 2]
This event is triggered when the Object Status is changed. See Enums for specific code definitions at the Enums section of this document.
Payload includes the User ID, The status ID (see
Enums), conversation ID, and channel (stream) information.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewActivity",
"Brand": "qawispp",
"Object": {
"Activities": [
"User": {
"Identity": {
"Id": "547379"
"Id": "536428"
"Data": {
"statusId": 2,
"requestEnvironment": "Manage",
"requestIp": ""
"Id": "1486196",
"Type": "2",
"CreateDate": "03-03-2025 13:42:26"
"Id": "386996",
"StreamId": "17402",
"SubStreamId": "0"
C. Object forward activity
[Object Activity Type =3]
This event is triggered when the conversation is forwarded to another email.
Payload includes the recipient’s email address, and whether to allow a response or attachments from the recipient (checked box in the system).
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewActivity",
"Brand": "qawispp",
"Object": {
"Activities": [
"User": {
"Identity": {
"Id": "545291"
"Id": "534337"
"Data": {
"message": "Where can I find the info for this?",
"recipients": [
"allowEmailReply": true,
"allowCustomerDetails": true,
"attachments": []
"Id": "1486453",
"Type": "3",
"CreateDate": "06-03-2025 08:37:20"
"Id": "387092",
"StreamId": "18372",
"SubStreamId": "0"
D. Reply to Forward Object activity
[Object Activity Type =4]
When a conversation is forwarded to another email, this event is triggered when a response comes back from that email address.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewActivity",
"Brand": "qawispp",
"Object": {
"Activities": [
"User": {
"Id": "0"
"Data": {
"message": "Use the 101HR doc for this issue",
"recipients": [
"attachments": "null"
"Id": "1486454",
"Type": "4",
"CreateDate": "06-03-2025 08:39:05"
"Id": "387092",
"StreamId": "18372",
"SubStreamId": "0"
E. Object Stream Change
[Object Activity Type =5]
This event is triggered when the conversation's communication channel changes to a different channel. In the example below, once the conversation left the Chat-General channel, the webhook was sent. Payload includes the agent’s ID and the channel of origin and destination channel.
Also see Object - Target Stream Change activity, which has the same payload, but the trigger is the channel the conversation came to.
Payload Example (JSON):
Object - OnNewActivity – ObjectStreamChange
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewActivity",
"Brand": "qawispp",
"Object": {
"Activities": [
"User": {
"Identity": {
"Id": "545291"
"Id": "534337"
"Data": {
"oldObjectStreamName": "Sales Chat",
"oldObjectStreamId": 17589,
"newObjectStreamName": "Tech Support - Chat",
"newObjectStreamId": 18277,
"newObjectSubstreamName": "",
"newObjectSubstreamId": 0,
"requestEnvironment": 2,
"requestIp": [
"Id": "1486459",
"Type": "5",
"CreateDate": "06-03-2025 08:46:36"
"Id": "387092",
"StreamId": "18277",
"SubStreamId": "0"
F. New Manager Assignment
[Object Activity Type = 6]
This event is triggered when an agent is assigned to the conversation. The Payload includes the User (agent) ID and the assigned conversation details.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewActivity",
"Brand": "qawispp",
"Object": {
"Activities": [
"User": {
"Id": "0"
"Data": {
"managerId": 0,
"assignedManagerId": 0
"Id": "1486278",
"Type": "6",
"CreateDate": "04-03-2025 13:04:57"
"Id": "387017",
"StreamId": "1772",
"SubStreamId": "33094"
G. Update object tag
[Object Activity Type = 7]
This event is triggered when a tag is added to (or removed from) the conversation. Adding a tag is accomplished by clicking the tags icon in the Reply box and selecting a tag from the menu. Removing a tag is done by hovering over the tag at the top of the conversation pane, and clicking the small X.
The payload includes the tag’s ID, related conversation’s ID, tagging agent’s ID, Tag’s name and related group (if any). When a tag is removed from a conversation, the field “isRemoveTag” will be true.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewActivity",
"Brand": "qawispp",
"Object": {
"Activities": [
"User": {
"Id": "0"
"Data": {
"tagId": 3089,
"objectId": 387084,
"managerId": 0,
"isRemoveTag": false,
"name": "1234",
"group_name": ""
"Id": "1486401",
"Type": "7",
"CreateDate": "05-03-2025 14:10:10"
"Id": "387084",
"StreamId": "1772",
"SubStreamId": "0"
H. Follow-up Object Activity
[Object Activity Type = 8]
This event is triggered when a snoozed conversation reappears in the inbox.
Payload Example (JSON):
"payload": {
"Activities": {
"Activity": {
"User": {
"Identity": {
"Id": "24317951"
"Id": "23571002"
"Data": {
"text": "",
"scheduledTime": "06/09/2024 11:55:00",
"requestEnvironment": "Manage",
"requestIp": ""
"Id": "3377699720762040",
"Type": "8",
"CreateDate": "09-06-2024 11:54:37"
"Id": "3377699720568715",
"StreamId": "15802",
"SubStreamId": "30901"
I. Update Object Attachments
[Object Activity Type = 10]
This event is triggered when an attachment is added to the remark section in the reply box.
Note: Attachments sent to the customer or received by the agent do not trigger this webhook.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewActivity",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Object": {
"Activities": [
"User": {
"Identity": {
"Id": "8"
"Id": "8"
"Data": {
"attachments": [
"href": "/brands/wispprnd/chat/2-25/excelTemplate_58bc770812.xlsx",
"name": "Attachment File",
"size": 16971
"Id": "948",
"Type": "10",
"CreateDate": "12-02-2025 11:07:35"
J. Invalid Extension File
[Object Activity Type = 15]
This event is triggered when there is an attempt to upload an incompatible file extension. For example, the Jpeg extension was turned off in the Privacy and Security module. When the customer attempts to upload a jpeg file, a webhook will be triggered (and the upload will fail).
To enable or disable file extensions, navigate to Settings > Privacy and Security module, expand the Media section, and check the desired formats.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewActivity",
"Brand": "qawispp",
"Object": {
"Activities": [
"User": {
"Id": "0"
"Data": {
"status": "failed",
"description": "Unsupported file type: image/jpeg extension: jpeg",
"invalidActivity": 15,
"fileExtension": "jpeg"
"Id": "1486408",
"Type": "15",
"CreateDate": "05-03-2025 14:13:35"
"Id": "387084",
"StreamId": "1772",
"SubStreamId": "0"
K. Invalid File Size
[Object Activity Type = 16]
This event is triggered when the attachment file being uploaded is above the allowable size as determined in the Privacy and Security module. To change the file size limits (in MB), navigate to Settings > Privacy and Security module, expand the Media section, and enter the desired limit.
The payload includes the allowable maximum size and the conversation’s details.
Payload Example (JSON):
"payload": {
"Activities": {
"Activity": {
"User": {
"Id": "0"
"Data": {
"status": "failed",
"description": "File is too big",
"maxFileSizeAllow": 1,
"invalidActivity": 16
"Id": "3377699720762062",
"Type": "16",
"CreateDate": "09-06-2024 13:02:11"
"Id": "3377699720568732",
"StreamId": "10470",
"SubStreamId": "0"
l. Unallowed File Upload
[Object Activity Type = 17]
This event is triggered when a customer or an agent attempts to upload a file type that is not approved in the Privacy and Security section of the communication channel.
To enable or disable file formats, navigate to Settings and click on the communication Module (Chat, WhatsApp, etc.) At the specific module, select the desired channel, expand the Privacy and Security section, and check the Allowed file types for the customer and the agent. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save your settings.
Payload Example (JSON):
"payload": {
"Activities": {
"Activity": {
"User": {
"Id": "0"
"Data": {
"status": "failed",
"description": "media dos not enabled",
"invalidActivity": 17
"Id": "3377699720762070",
"Type": "17",
"CreateDate": "09-06-2024 13:14:27"
"Id": "3377699720568732",
"StreamId": "10470",
"SubStreamId": "0"
M. Participant Change
[Object Activity Type = 19]
This event is triggered when a participant (not the agent assigned) is added to the conversation. The Payload includes the name of the added participant.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewActivity",
"Brand": "qawispp",
"Object": {
"Activities": [
"User": {
"Identity": {
"Id": "547422"
"Id": "536470"
"Data": {
"action": "addParticipant",
"performingAgentId": 536470,
"isAgent": true,
"addedParticipantName": "Michael NoAdmin"
"Id": "1486388",
"Type": "19",
"CreateDate": "05-03-2025 14:04:17"
"Id": "385926",
"StreamId": "1433",
"SubStreamId": "0"
N. Target Stream Change
[Object Activity Type = 20]
This event is triggered when the current channel receives a conversation from another channel. For example, in the example below, the conversation is currently in the Chat Payments channel and will trigger a webhook since it came from another channel.
See also Object-ObjectStreamChange activity webhook which has the same payload but is triggered by the changing of the original channel.
Payload Example (JSON):
Object - OnNewActivity – ObjectStreamChange
"payload": {
"Activities": {
"Activity": {
"User": {
"Identity": {
"Id": "24317951"
"Id": "23571562"
"Data": {
"oldObjectStreamName": "Chat General",
"oldObjectStreamId": 24569,
"newObjectStreamName": "Chat Payments",
"newObjectStreamId": 15802,
"newObjectSubstreamName": "",
"newObjectSubstreamId": 0,
"requestEnvironment": 2,
"requestIp": [
"Id": "3377699720762022",
"Type": "5",
"CreateDate": "09-06-2024 07:46:06"
"Id": "3377699720568712",
"StreamId": "15802",
"SubStreamId": "0"
O. Conversation Summary
[Object Activity Type = 21]
This event is triggered when the conversation is summarized by the system using our AI features.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewActivity",
"Brand": "qawispp",
"Object": {
"Activities": [
"User": {
"Identity": {
"Id": "547379"
"Id": "536428"
"Data": {
"customerDetails": {
"firstName": "Tommy",
"lastName": "Lee",
"email": "tommy.lee@xyzcorp.com"
"conversationDetails": {
"objectId": 387017,
"createdTime": "2025-02-25T11:53:55",
"firstResponseTime": "2025-02-25T11:55:31",
"streamName": "WhatsApp Channel",
"fullName": "Eddie Felus",
"closedTime": "2025-03-04T13:04:57",
"summarizedByCommBoxAI": "1"
"text": "Customer approached CS to transfer device installed in his car to his name.\n\n-**Action Items Taken:**\n Device was transferred to car owner based on his request. Welcome message sent with details of transactions and applicable terms.\n\n- Continued Service:\n – Customer may contact the calling center via phone or WA during business hours. Suggestions applicable if customer has additional questions or concerns."
"Id": "1486280",
"Type": "21",
"CreateDate": "04-03-2025 13:04:58"
"Id": "387017",
"StreamId": "1772",
"SubStreamId": "33094"
P. Redact Child
[Object Activity Type = 23]
This event is triggered when a message or part of a message in the conversation is hidden/blocked from view (masking).
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnNewActivity",
"Brand": "qawispp",
"Object": {
"Activities": [
"User": {
"Identity": {
"Id": "547379"
"Id": "536428"
"Data": {},
"Id": "1486281",
"Type": "23",
"CreateDate": "04-03-2025 13:08:14"
"Id": "387017",
"StreamId": "1772",
"SubStreamId": "33094"
On Update Tag
This Event is triggered when a tag is Added or Removed from the conversation (object). Payload included the action and the tag ID.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnUpdateTag",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Object": {
"Tags": [
"Id": "43",
"Action": "Add"
"Id": "785",
"StreamId": "17955",
"SubStreamId": "0"
This Event is triggered when the agent is manually assigned to a conversation. Payload includes the conversion ID, and the channel (stream) Id.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnAssign",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Object": {
"Id": "738",
"StreamId": "17955",
"SubStreamId": "0"
This Event is triggered when the agent is manually unassigned from a conversation. Payload includes the conversion ID, and the channel (stream) Id.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Object",
"Name": "OnUnAssign",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Object": {
"Id": "738",
"StreamId": "17955",
"SubStreamId": "0"
Triggers associated with the User entity:
This event is triggered by the creation of a new user (an agent). The payload includes the new user ID and the initial information collected by the system.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "User",
"Name": "OnNew",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"User": {
"Content": {},
"Id": "337294",
"Phone1": "",
"Phone2": "",
"UniqueID": "",
"Email": "john.doe@gmail.com",
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"NumIdentities": "1",
"Locale": "",
"Remarks": ""
This event is triggered by an update of a user at the Customer Info pane in the Conversations window.
Note: The ID field relates to the user Id generated by the system, while the UniqueID is entered by the agent.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "User",
"Name": "OnUpdate",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"User": {
"Content": {},
"Id": "3377699720575719",
"Phone1": " 19175012555",
"Phone2": "",
"UniqueID": "01234512367",
"Email": " John1Doe2@gmail.com",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"NumIdentities": "1",
"Locale": "en_US",
"Remarks": ""
This event is triggered when an agent logs in to the CommBox platform.
Payloads includes the agent’s information, activation state, and set location and language.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "User",
"Name": " login",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"User": {
"Content": {},
"Id": "8",
"Phone1": "",
"Phone2": "",
"UniqueID": "",
"Email": "best.agent@commbox.com",
"FirstName": "Best",
"LastName": "Agent",
"NumIdentities": "1",
"Locale": "en_GB",
"Remarks": ""
This event is triggered when an agent logs out to the CommBox platform.
Payloads includes the agent’s information, activation state, and set location and language.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "User",
"Name": "Logout",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"User": {
"Content": {},
"Id": "8",
"Phone1": "",
"Phone2": "",
"UniqueID": "",
"Email": "best.agent@commbox.com",
"FirstName": "Best",
"LastName": "Agent",
"NumIdentities": "1",
"Locale": "en_GB",
"Remarks": ""
Triggers associated with the Satisfaction entity:
On Submit
This event is triggered when a satisfaction survey is submitted.
Note that open-ended questions will NOT trigger a webhook, but EVERY closed-ended question will send one.
Payload includes the score selected with its description, as set in the Customer Satisfaction module.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Satisfaction",
"Name": "OnSubmit",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Satisfaction": {
"Score": "50",
"Description": "good",
"ObjectId": "762"
Triggers associated with the Tag entity:
The OnNewActivity events in the Object entity cover tags related to the conversation where agents add or remove tags to the conversation to trigger the webhook.
In this category, webhooks are triggered when tags are created or updated in the tags section of the Organization’s settings.
This event is triggered when a new tag is added to the system.
Payload includes the new Tag’s ID, if it belongs to a group (if not in a group, value = 0), its name, label (conversation and/or user), type (Tag/Goal/Miss – see Enums at the end of this document), and value details (where applicable).
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Tag",
"Name": "OnAdd",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Tag": {
"eventName": "OnAdd",
"tagId": "40",
"groupId": "0",
"name": "VIP",
"isObject": "True",
"isUser": "False",
"type": "1",
"unit": "0",
"unitValidationType": "0",
"unitValidation": "",
"defaultValue": "",
"requestId": "e4474a8a-0802-4515-8c27-52e13f6c8cf3"
On Update
This event is triggered when a tag is updated in the Tags section of the Organization settings. Clicking on the tag itself opens the update window enabling changing its name or values, adding it to a certain group, etc.
Payloads includes the Tag’s ID, and its updated group, name, label (conversation and/or user), type (Tag/Goal/Miss – see Enums section), value details (where applicable).
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Tag",
"Name": "OnUpdate",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Tag": {
"eventName": "OnUpdate",
"tagId": "7",
"groupId": "1",
"name": "Unhappy customer",
"isObject": "True",
"isUser": "False",
"type": "1",
"unit": "0",
"unitValidationType": "0",
"unitValidation": "",
"defaultValue": "-1",
"requestId": "230ab9d5-afdf-4750-af1b-65ac106bd118"
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Tag",
"Name": "OnUpdateGroup",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Tag": {
"eventName": "OnUpdateGroup",
"groupId": "2",
"name": "tst tagGroupdfd",
"requestId": "cf274740-6f9f-4da8-81f6-c002a5ff4eb4"
On Delete
This event is triggered when a tag is deleted from the Tags section of the Organization settings.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Tag",
"Name": "OnDelete",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Tag": {
"eventName": "OnDelete",
"tagId": "7",
"requestId": "614a8272-daa9-4d84-8c2c-8678cf1f3670"
On Add Group
This event is triggered when a new tag group is created in the Tags section of the Organization settings. Payload includes the new group name and its group ID. Once created, you can add new and existing tags to this group via the AddTag and UpdateTag functionalities.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Tag",
"Name": "OnAddGroup",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Tag": {
"eventName": "OnAddGroup",
"groupId": "9",
"name": "VIPGroup",
"requestId": "536d66ef-c96f-4579-8535-973ccb329d7a"
On Update Group
This event is triggered when the name of a tag group is updated by clicking on it in the Tags section of the Organization settings. Once clicking anywhere away from the edited tag, the webhook will be send.
On Delete Group
This event is triggered when a tag group is deleted from the Tags section of the Organization settings by hovering over its name and clicking the X on it. The payload includes the group ID that was deleted.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Tag",
"Name": "OnDeleteGroup",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Tag": {
"groupId": "1",
"eventName": "OnDeleteGroup",
"requestId": "e38a0a07-d994-4427-b32d-6888d0d173eb"
Triggers associated with the Form entity:
On Submit
This event is triggered when a customer submits a form.
The conversation ID (object ID) and the Form’s URL are included in the payload.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Form",
"Name": "OnSubmit",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Form": {
"ObjectId": "794",
"FormUrl": "https://wispprnd.rnd.wispp.com/media/brands/wispprnd/forms/2-25/2eae9b77d6.pdf",
"Properties": {
"field_0": "fgfgd"
Triggers associated with the Chat entity:
On User Exit
This event is triggered when the customer closes the chat window or disconnects.
User Id and conversation Id (CommBox generated number) are listed.
Payload Example (JSON):
"Event": {
"Subscription": "Chat",
"Name": "OnUserExit",
"Brand": "wispprnd",
"Chat": {
"User": {
"Id": "300"
"Object": {
"Id": "763"
Remark = 1
StatusChange = 2
Forward = 3
ReplyToForwardedObject = 4
StreamChange = 5
NewManagerAssignment = 6
UpdateObjectTag = 7
FollowUp = 8
UpdateObjectAttachment = 10
InvalidExtensionFile = 15
InvalidFileSize = 16
DisallowedFileUpload = 17
inactivityLogout = 18
ParticipantChange = 19
TargetStreamChange = 20
ConversationSummary = 21
RedactChild = 23
Open = 1
Resolved = 2
Forward = 3
Irrelevant = 4
Deleted = 5
Forward Reply = 6
Draft = 7
In Process = 8
Scheduled = 9
Follow Up = 10
Automated = 11
Sent = 13
Archive = 14
Pending = 15
Tags Types
Tag = 1
Goal = 2
Miss = 3
Support Tag = 4
Intents = 100
Customer Satisfaction = 101
SLA = 102
Customer Satisfaction Open Answer = 103