Facebook Messenger
    • 27 Oct 2022
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    Facebook Messenger

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    Article summary


    CommBox’s Facebook Messenger module lets you fully integrate your company’s official Facebook page with CommBox’s services while managing all inquiries sent through Facebook Messenger.

    Please note: To receive direct messages to your Facebook Page already connected to CommBox, you must first connect the FB Messenger module to CommBox.

    Additionally, You must use a laptop/desktop computer to conduct the first-time integration of CommBox and FB messenger from a laptop/desktop computer.


    Creating the FB Messenger channel

    1. Click on the Settings icon in the lower left-hand corner of the Agent Workspace.

    2. Choose the Messenger module and click on +Messenger Channel.

    3. Click on Select Facebook account. This will open the drop-down menu. Click on New Facebook account.

    4. A pop-up window will appear requesting that you log in to Facebook with your username.

    Afterward, you will be requested by Facebook to select which Pages you wish to integrate with CommBox’s systems.

    5. Toggle each system to the desired setting, and click Next.

    6. If all of the permissions are set to the desired configuration, click Done.

    7. Click on OK.

    8. Click on Create Channel, and as a result, the channel will be created.

    From this point forward, you are free to begin messaging.

    9. If you want to change the Channel’s Advanced settings, later on, you can click on Edit to the left of the new channel you’ve opened.

    Give the system 15 minutes to refresh and update itself, and afterward, you should be good to go!

    Module Settings


    Language - the operating language within the module itself

    Maximum conversation duration (seconds) - the time limit until which the conversation may continue

    Number of digits without disabling sensitive information - When this option is activated, after closing an application on this channel, any number with an equal number of digits or greater than the quantity ordered will become asterisks (*) so that it does not store sensitive information.

    Neutralize sensitive information on the agent side - Enable/disable the possibility that the agent entered numbers that will appear as asterisks after the status has been solved. 

    Show "get started" button - toggle on/off to enable for the Get Started button to be displayed


    Primary SLA time (in seconds) - The time elapsed before receiving the first response

    For example - when the conversation begins, the customer sends a message, i.e., Hi, the agent answers, how can I help you? (first answer)

    Secondary SLA time (in seconds) - the time elapsed after the customer has sent their second message until the agent's subsequent response. 

    Business Hours (Operating Hours)

    Under these settings, you can choose the Business Hours channels.

    Business Hours channels are administered from the Business Hours module. Using this module, you can set which message will be sent to the company’s end customers during and outside regular business hours.

    Additionally, you can set special messages on special days (i.e., a specific message to be sent on Yom Kippur, etc.)

    Auto Message

    Automatic response - is the automated message sent in response to the end customer’s first message.

    Customer Satisfaction Survey

    Activating the Customer Satisfaction Survey - Defines whether to activate customer satisfaction. A customer survey was issued only after a change to the solved status of the object and if there was a manager message in the conversation (if there was no manager message and the conversation was closed - a satisfaction survey was not issued).

    Allow the bot to send a survey - Defines whether a marker treated by the bot will send a survey.

    Time to wait before sending the survey (in minutes) - time limit to send the survey since a status change was made on the conversation.

    Percentage of conversations to send feedback - the percentage of the conversations which will receive a satisfaction survey.

    Automatic message for a negative response - The following message will appear when you select a negative response.

    Satisfaction Question - Before presenting the possible answers, input which question you will ask.

    To add the manager’s name within the question’s wording, use agentName$$.

    To set the location of the answers within the wording of the question, use options$$.

    Possible Answers - When the answer with the highest score is located at the top, it determines the possible responses to the survey. The top answer will always be 100, and the bottom will always be 0. The middle answers will be divided accordingly. 

    For example: if I defined three responses, the top would be 100, the middle 50, and the bottom 0. If there were five possible answers, the division would be 100, 75, 50, 25,0.

    Thank you message response - After responding to the survey, this is the message the customer will receive.

    For more information on the Customer Satisfaction survey module, click here (link needed) 


    A script is a bot with a specific purpose, and each script meets a particular need, which is why you can define different scripts in different scenarios.

    New conversation script - the bot that will be triggered when sending the first message. This is the script that will appear in each new conversation in this channel.

    Reopen conversation script - If an existing conversation has been resolved, and the client returns, this is the script the client will see.

    Note: If the Split Conversation settings in the channel are always set to open a new conversation after it has been handled (possible), this setting will be irrelevant because the customer always comes to the opening script and not back to the conversation.

    Script for a reply to an outbound conversation - This script will be executed when a customer replies to an outgoing conversation.

    Manual handover options - allows multiple selections of several scripts. Each script selected here will be displayed in the assignments menu on the item, and the agent will be able to select a dedicated script in real-time manually.

    For example, a script that meets the specific need X is defined here. The agent talks to the end customer and discovers that the customer can be transferred to a dedicated bot that can complete the task instead of fulfilling the need manually.

    Display text when a selection menu appears - input the text you wish to be displayed above the selection menu when it emerges

    Auto Assign

    Activate auto-assignment to agents - set whether to enable/disable the channel’s auto-assignment capability.

    Enable the "assign replies to me" checkbox - a checkbox will be added to the line item titled assign responses to me.

    Set the default state of the check box that will display - sets the default position of the checkbox to Auto-Assign responses to me (toggle on/off).

    Duration of time before being reassigned to the agents - the conversation will be assigned to the agent who responded to the conversation if Assign Responses to me has been selected.

    If the answer is on the condition of Time Duration before being reassigned back to the Agent (in minutes). If it exceeds this time, the conversation will not be assigned.

    Ignoring the Special Auto-Assignment quota - activates the system feature. This overlooks the agent’s assignment quota and assigns conversations using the special auto-assignment feature. 

    Special auto-assignment contains five unique assignment types:

    • Assign Responses to me.
    • VIP customer - priority ticket
    • Providing a direct link to the chat through the Knowledge Base
    • Tracking settings
    • Composing messages underneath the assigned responder is set to assigned to me.

    Prioritize forwarded conversations - conversations that were forwarded from another channel will be given priority assignment on the new channel if the following conditions are met:

    • The conversation is assigned to a agent while it is being forwarded
    • The agent forwarding the conversation has no access to view the destination channel

    If the conversation has met all the following criteria, it will receive priority above other conversations. 

    Are you looking for an expanded explanation of the Auto-Assignments module? Please feel free to view the relevant instruction manual.


    If an Intentions module has been activated, the option to enable or disable the Intentions module in the channel will be added.

    Customer Verification

    You will see these settings if the customer verification module is set up.

    In combination with the Customer Verification module, this section determines the time from the moment of receipt of the Customer Verification (OTP) certificate until re-verification is required.

    Interface support is necessary with our API and usually with your company's verification and customer approval service.

    Split Conversations 

    Enabled - Has a handled mark on a conversation, and after the customer’s response, the conversations will open as new or in the same thread.

    Split will occur after X min of inactivity - When the field is set to 0, split conversation will occur immediately. If the above switch is set to Off, no conversation split will occur.

    Privacy and Security

    Allow file upload - customer: Allow/block from customer upload files.

    Possible file types - The possible file types which can be sent to the customer.

    Media disabled message - message which will be displayed in the event that the selected file type cannot be uploaded

    Allow file upload - agent: Allow/block the agent to upload files for the agent.

    Possible file types - specifies which file types are currently enabled.


    Number of days without activity to transfer an application to archive status: This section will define the number of days after an application on which status has been documented. No further action has been taken and will be transferred to Archive status (display management of filters can be found under the General Settings module 🡪 Conversations).

    Number of days without activity before an application in automatic status is transferred to the archive: This section will define the number of days until an unanswered automated request will be transferred to Archive status.

    SAP C4C integration 

    Activate - enable the SAP C4C API to be integrated with the Facebook Messenger


    Allow agents to invite an external participant to a conversation on this channel - toggle on/off

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